Not Knowing

Today we had a module 3 Skype call where we were able to share our experiences with our inquiries and how the process has been. From this conversation, I took away a lot that I can incorporate in my own work and expand my understanding on different topics. One of the main things I took away from this session was understanding that not knowing things is ok. It is something that I think I already knew but never really understood the extent of it. Something that Adesola said within this Skype call that really resonates with me is to 'enjoy the empty space as well as the full space.' Not knowing is part of the fun of research and learning new things about different topics should excite you. I feel that the thought of not knowing an answer scares a lot of people, but a lot of the time there is never one answer. Having an open mind is incredibly important and it allows us to expand and broaden our knowledge. Enjoy the opportunity of discovering something new to you and don't worry when the answer isn't right in front of you, because soon it will emerge and the journey of how you got there will shape how you perceive it.


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