
For my inquiry, I have been undertaking interviews to gain data and information to include within my final report. Within this process I have discovered many things whilst interviewing each individual. These interviews have been a learning curve and I have developed my skills as a researcher in the process. Within the first interview, I realised that I must not encourage a certain answer from the participant. I found myself leading them towards an answer I wanted to hear, which I had to correct in the moment to not jeopardize the results. I also learned that keeping the conversation natural is the best way to relax the individual. Each of the interviews is recorded which can create a sense of unease within the participant therefore, I found that the less I check the recording is ok, the more we both forget its there, resulting in a more natural and thought out opinion from the participant. Allowing the participant to talk is also key and making sure you have enough time for them say what they want to say. Cutting them short or saying 'we are running out of time' will only make everything a lot less thorough and will end up being unhelpful in the final report. This may sound simple but in my opinion, this is what makes a good researcher.


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