The Middle

After reading Adesola's post about 'Beginning in the Middle' (, I suddenly began thinking what my process is to reach that point where I are familiar with my thoughts and ideas. I don't believe that there is one correct way to get to this point as people work in different ways and I do not feel that I follow the same path every time I am embarking on a new project. In spite of this, there are some definite routes I tend to follow. To begin, I usually make sure I understand what I want to achieve from this project. What are my goals and aims and then I almost map out my thoughts for what I would like to create. With this, I can then clearly see a path but although I have found a route, more common than not, that route changes or alters in different ways. That is another thing to remember, to not get stuck on one route. I find keeping an open mind helps to develop within the project and also open other doors that you may not have seen before. This process usually helps me to get settled in to a new project but of course, doesn't always happen in the exact same way. There are many alternative ways to reach the middle that I have also used in the past, but I feel this example is probably my most common path I take to find my way to that point.


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