Personal ethics

Looking further into ethical considerations when delving into a research project, I have noticed that having the inquiry based around my professional practice means I have my own personal ethics. I would like to keep this investigation as neutral as possible and with that in mind, these personal ethics must not control the course of the project. Although my opinion still matters, the point of this inquiry is to hear different opinions and to understand different points of view. Once I aquire this varying information, it will then give me a broader understanding on the topic at hand which is; 'what does the end of a ballet career mean to the dancer?' Although the answer to the question will vary from person to person, I will still recieve the information required to understand how the majority may feel and whether my own personal opinion realates. Given that I will only be interviewing a handful of people, my results will not be 100% reliable but should still give diverse information, allowing me to aquire a varying opnion on the subject.


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