Module 2

In September I moved to Orlando, Florida to join Orlando Ballet Company for their 2019/2020 season. I’ve finally managed to settle in and sort everything out, such as getting my Social Security Number, US driver’s licence, etc. Now that I can focus more on the module I have noticed many things that interest me within my professional practice. My first thoughts for enquiries in this module were on performing ballets on stage and what makes a good performance. As I delved further into it, I discovered that I am extremely interested in the end of a ballet career. Within this I want to know if there even is an end or what causes the end? There are so many questions I would like to ask and as I progress with this idea in mind, more queries and theories become apparent. I want to know if the end of a ballet career is on a dancer’s mind and whether it excites them or scares them. When I was in school training in ballet, we would always have people come in from an organisation who help dancers transition from their current career in dance to another career of their choosing. Whenever we had these lectures I would never think much of it but now having it in mind for this module and having more interest in careers that don’t necessarily involve dance, I understand the want for help and guidance. It is scary changing from one career to another and sometimes you don’t know where to start. The company’s name is ‘Dancers Career Development’ (DCD) and I have attached a link to their website below. 

DCD website:


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