
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Middle

After reading Adesola's post about 'Beginning in the Middle' (, I suddenly began thinking what my process is to reach that point where I are familiar with my thoughts and ideas. I don't believe that there is one correct way to get to this point as people work in different ways and I do not feel that I follow the same path every time I am embarking on a new project. In spite of this, there are some definite routes I tend to follow. To begin, I usually make sure I understand what I want to achieve from this project. What are my goals and aims and then I almost map out my thoughts for what I would like to create. With this, I can then clearly see a path but although I have found a route, more common than not, that route changes or alters in different ways. That is another thing to remember, to not get stuck on one route. I find keeping an open mind helps to develop within the project and also open other doors t