
Showing posts from March, 2019


On the 18th of March, Adesola posted about ethics. Before reading the post, ethics was something I thought I understood about myself. I thought I knew where I stood in certain situations and what I thought should be considered right or wrong. After reading and watching the videos attached, I realised that I was only scraping the surface of the topic.  At first glance, I would assume I would be a moral realist but once the topic was talked about in more depth, I discovered that I wasn't considering what that would mean on a wider platform. In the video created by CrashCourse on Youtube, they talk about it in more detail. About four minutes and thirty seconds into the video, he describes what Moral Realism is. A definition of moral realism is: ' Moral Realism  (or  Moral Objectivism ) is the  meta-ethical  view that there exist such things as  moral facts  and  moral values , and that these are  objective  and  independent  of


After reading Adesola's blog post on collaboration, it inspired me to write about my own experiences within my practice. In the post, Adesola linked a video to Dr. Shelle VanEtten de Sanchez, a poet talking about her experience in collaboration. She mentioned a metaphor which allowed me to relate and understand the importance of co-operation and what you can gain from it. "What each of us can accomplish on our own will fit in the palm of our hand, but that is insignificant compared to what we can accomplish together" ( Dr. Shelle VanEtten de Sanchez on 'The Power of Collaboration') This metaphor suggests that we are the biggest threat to our own work. Our 'ego' can cause self-sabotage and may distort our judgment to what our work could be. My literal experience of collaboration within my practice would be choreography. I can completely relate to this metaphor as there have been many times where I have created some movement in dance and have not allow